Do Labradoodles like water?

    So you want your dog to swim? “Do Labradoodles like the water?”  Living near the Chesapeake Bay, I am asked this question often.  The Labradoodle originated from two water retrievers…the  Labrador Retriever and the Standard Poodle.  Knowing this, it would reason that Labradoodles would make excellent water loving dogs as well, right?  Well, this is
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    The Importance of Proper Socialization

    Proper socialization in the first 3 months is paramount Have you ever had or known a dog that you would label as being shy, aggressive or fearful?  Chances are the culpret was a lack of proper and complete socialization to new people, experiences and things in the first 4 months of life.  This is the
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    Why do dogs bark?

    About Barking There are many reasons why our dogs bark.  Obviously, barking is a form of communication which is sometimes used to bring our attention to a need, warning, territorial protection, dominance.  Sometimes barking is a matter of pure Joy and excitement. You can be certain that your reaction to barking will either encourage more
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    Training and Relationship

    What are the benefits of dog training beyond the obvious? RELATIONSHIP:  Beyond the obvious benefits of having a well mannered dog is the enhanced relationship that you will develop with your canine best friend!  I have taken and still do take many obedience one classes with the puppies that I keep for myself.  So many
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